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Every Delayed 2020 Movie Without A New Release Date

Several 2020 movies have seen their release dates delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic; here's every film that still needs a new one. With theaters closed down and film and TV production shut-down until further notice, Hollywood's 2020 release calendar has been all but  wiped clean on through to the middle of July  (with a few exceptions which will eventually have to move, as we'll discuss later). There's no guarantee theaters will be reopen for business by that point either, in spite of chains like Cinemark saying  they hope to resume showing new movies  that month. The New Mutants ANTLERS RUN THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW LAST NIGHT IN SOHO SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW GREYHOUND ANTEBELLUM Other Movies On top of all the bigger 2020 movies in need of a new release date after being delayed, there are also smaller indie titles like  Promising Young Woman  and  Saint Maud  (both of which premiered to strong reviews on the film festival cir...

Reopenings: “New Wide Release Movies Are Unlikely To Be Available”

The National Association of Theatre Owners is continuing its work advocating for cinemas during the COVID-19 pandemic. In their latest statement, the association responds to several states’ plans to open theaters as early as next week. The White House’s plan to open the economy includes theaters under “Phase One,” meaning they would be allowed to open after the area in which they operate in satisfies  three qualifying criteria . In the days since the White House released its plan, Georgia governor Brian Kemp has stated that movie theaters in his state  could be allowed to open as early as next Monday, April 27  if they adhere to “specific social distancing and sanitation mandates.” Governors of Tennessee and South Carolina have also announced plans to allow non-essential businesses to reopen, though what this means for movie theaters specifically has not yet been clarified. As states begin to move towards reopening, NATO issued the following statement: While some states a...

#Yara Virus : The New Mysterious Virus Found In Brazil.

Scientists have discovered a new virus in an artificial lake in Brazil. This mysterious virus found in amoebae has been named “Yaravirus.” This latest discovery comes as the coronavirus from China continues to ravage the world. While the world scrabbles around looking for a cure for the deadly coronavirus, scientists have found another virus. Unlike the former which started in  China,  this new one comes from an artificial lake in  Brazil. Independent  reports that this virus named "Yaravirus" was found in an amoebae. It was named after "Yara" or “Iara,” which means 'mother of waters' - a mythical siren/mermaid figure from Brazilian mythology who would lure sailors underwater. Scientists are saying that this virus is mysterious because it has genes that no one has seen before. Reporting the new discovery in  bioRxiv, a  biological sciences website, the researchers wrote:  “We report the discovery of Yaravirus, a new lineage of amoe...

#Coronavirus & Flu - Washing hands for 20 seconds could keep you clear.

With flu season in full swing and the   coronavirus spreading rapidly throughout China, it's more important than ever that people take precautions to stay healthy. Officials in China   have confirmed more than 6,000 cases   of the respiratory illness and 132 deaths, and there have been five confirmed cases of the disease in the United States. As for the flu, there have been at least 15 million American cases this season  as of Jan. 18 , including 8,200 deaths — 54 of which were pediatric deaths. According to the   Centers for Disease Control , one of the best ways to protect yourself from these illnesses is to wash your hands often, and with the right technique. When your hands are clean, you can prevent germs from spreading from one person to another. To successfully wash hands, follow these five steps recommended by the CDC. First, wet your hands with clean, running water — warm or cold. After turning off the tap, apply soap to your hands and rub t...


The Meeting Episode Two It’s been more than a week now since we have been friends, and really it was my best moments in life, I always laughed out seriously, mainly because she was so funny and speaks pigin english more often than any other language, and waooo, she was superb with it. It was evening, she had forced me to see her back home, after a very raining and cold afternoon, we had to trek for about twenty to twenty-five minutes back to her house at Gbagada, another town close to Oworonshoki. Strolling with her is always interesting, so I always do love to see her home despite the fact that I still trouble her to force me before I agree to take the stroll. We were on the footbridge linking Oworonshoki with Gbagada on the Iyanaoworo  Ogudu express road, when she asked me, Sam, do you believe in love” as she held my hands so closely, I took a quick look at her and replied, “yes I do, my mum loves us all, so does my dad, I love you, seeing you all happy makes me so happy a...

#Skills That Will Be In High Demand In The Future - By Richard Bradson

I’ve always relied on instinct when it comes to calculating risks, putting trust in people and making important business decisions. There are some things that can’t be summed up in a statistic, and this is when you need to use a bit of intuition. Image from Adam Slama On the  Strive Challenge  this year, I had an interesting conversation on the topic with the team, who have all followed incredible careers across many different sectors – from business and science to aerospace engineering and medicine. We were discussing how decisions are becoming more and more data-driven, as technology and artificial intelligence advances. However, as we rely more and more on analytics to make our decisions, we’re losing touch of our human instinct and we’re taking human reasoning out of the equation. We all agreed on the danger this presents and the importance of looking at every decision with a human lens. Creativity, problem solving, reasoning and...