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Showing posts from November, 2019

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CALIFORNIA FIRE: 62,000 People Have Fled Blaze


The Meeting Episode Two It’s been more than a week now since we have been friends, and really it was my best moments in life, I always laughed out seriously, mainly because she was so funny and speaks pigin english more often than any other language, and waooo, she was superb with it. It was evening, she had forced me to see her back home, after a very raining and cold afternoon, we had to trek for about twenty to twenty-five minutes back to her house at Gbagada, another town close to Oworonshoki. Strolling with her is always interesting, so I always do love to see her home despite the fact that I still trouble her to force me before I agree to take the stroll. We were on the footbridge linking Oworonshoki with Gbagada on the Iyanaoworo  Ogudu express road, when she asked me, Sam, do you believe in love” as she held my hands so closely, I took a quick look at her and replied, “yes I do, my mum loves us all, so does my dad, I love you, seeing you all happy makes me so happy a...

#Skills That Will Be In High Demand In The Future - By Richard Bradson

I’ve always relied on instinct when it comes to calculating risks, putting trust in people and making important business decisions. There are some things that can’t be summed up in a statistic, and this is when you need to use a bit of intuition. Image from Adam Slama On the  Strive Challenge  this year, I had an interesting conversation on the topic with the team, who have all followed incredible careers across many different sectors – from business and science to aerospace engineering and medicine. We were discussing how decisions are becoming more and more data-driven, as technology and artificial intelligence advances. However, as we rely more and more on analytics to make our decisions, we’re losing touch of our human instinct and we’re taking human reasoning out of the equation. We all agreed on the danger this presents and the importance of looking at every decision with a human lens. Creativity, problem solving, reasoning and...