Some years back, I was at the General hospital Gbagada in Lagos state, it was a woeful experience. Firstly I wasn't the one on the bed but I was more of the casualty of the bitter moment. I watched and listened carefully to the nurses discussions on patients and in my findings I noticed what humans eat daily, either solid or liquid, smoked or licked causes more death than the natural death and accidents combined together.
I met at the hospital a man who happens to be in the same ward with the person of which I was stocked in the hospital. The man whose name I have forgotten was diagnosed with diabetes, so must stay away from every sugary food, but to my surprise after the doctors round in the morning, the man finds a way to sneak down stairs, take a soft drink (mirinda precisely) with either jollof rice or white rice and sneaks back to his hospital bed. What! I was shocked the very day I saw him downstairs digging his grave with his teeth. Sir, "you are not expected to be eating this" let me be , he replied, "I can't cope with the wheat bread and wheat ball they feed me with". Hmmm, I went upstairs reported him to the nurse on duty and necessary actions were taken.
Why not watch what you eat? Some are obese and still yet keeps feeding on fatty foods, so are the smokers and drunkards, getting addicted to an early grave, I believe there is nothing such as addiction, it all depends on ones will to make decisions.
Well as for the man at the hospital, diagnosed with diabetes, he hopped into the grave he dug with his teeth, never to hop out again.
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