Ones a child is born, as early as age three, the child begins the adventure called Education, three years in the kindergarten/nursery school, immediately moves to the primary school where he/she spends six good years of his/her life with a lot of different subjects (as much as 16 different ones). then straight up the child moves to the secondary school (high school) where he/she spends another six years with so much subjects been enforced into the child's brain. Its of recent i just started asking myself , how did i pass through this stressful stages of my education life? when ever i see a 7 - 8 year old child going to school with a big filled bag that appears to be heavier than the child itself. 16 subjects for a seven year old child? waoooooo, please how do the teachers expect this young ones to know the sixteen subjects? well, adaptation i think it is. After spending the six years in secondary school, now he/she must face some examination bodies which will qualify the child for an admission into the higher institution (university, polytechnic, colleges etc.).
This process is the part that gets me all frustrated, confused, annoyed, and hmmmm.... i don't even know . The child can spend four to five years seeking admission into an institution ( case study: Nigeria) i don't know if it is the same in other countries, since i have never been out of this country. There are fewer universities, polytechnics and colleges combined together than the population of the children graduating from the secondary school yearly. In-fact the higher institutions in the country can't even accommodate up to 50 percent of the children graduating from the high school yearly. Now, when the child finally gets admitted into the institution, he/she spends 4-7 years without strike in the institution.
16+ good years of ones life, an unaccountable amount of money that if wisely invested on,, will yield ten times profit for that sixteen years spent on education. Hmmmmm, but still yet we all seem to pursuit Education like its an assurance to ones greatness in life. Please do not get me wrong in any way, i am a great lover of education and i so much cherish its existence, for it has been the major fundamental of ones foundation and knowledge of the world we live in. But still, i have some questions surrounding this education which as become a do or die affairs and a never ending adventure.
All this stress, time, effort, and money, only to graduate from the university and start searching for a job, or gets a job which cannot even sustain his/her family in two weeks. Yet, they keep telling me "EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS" but with my knowledge of this education i say "EDUCATION ISN'T THE KEY TO SUCCESS"
So youths i indulge you to believe in your dreams and handwork, so please know that there is one thing education can not guarantee you, and that which it cant guarantee is SUCCESS. Success can only be achieved through creativity. Yes, a lot of people are leaving ok, through the fact that they have been able to secure a job after education, but what population are those with job and those without it, ask yourself that question and do you also want to search for a job or be a creator of jobs?
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