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There are certain things that as a guy, you must take notice of in your partner. Most guys are really clueless about dating when compared to women. Sometimes, they make many guys feel like learners.
The simple truth is that things might go wrong no matter what you do. It is therefore important you look out and know what to avoid in a relationship. I have penned down a couple of things.

1. If a lady misses a date you both agreed on and doesn’t call to apologize, let her go. There is no time to waste on one woman. If she does call to apologize, let her be the one to request another time so as to make it up to you. If she doesn't show up again, forget about her. She doesn't value your time.

2. Never let any woman disrespect you. If she does and she refuses to apologize and change for good, drop her. You don't want to be with someone who tears down your self esteem or does not know your worth.

3. Dating an indecisive lady can be frustrating. When you find yourself with one, give her space. You should not try to force people to make up their mind. Let her coming to you be out of choice and not compulsion.

4. Never try to buy a lady's affection. Trust me, that's one path you don't want to walk. If a woman does not like you, your expensive gifts will not change her mind. Instead, you will end up becoming be a “financial boyfriend” who sorts out her needs, aka “mugu”.

5. Never beg a woman to give you a chance. If you think she eventually gives you a chance, then you're mistaken. She probably showed you pity. And you know something about pity in relationships? It does not last long.

6. If a woman uses sex as a negotiating tool, dump her sorry ass. She is only manipulating you and nothing more. Sex is not a favour or reward!

7. Never let a lady be sure that you are crazy about her to the point that she feels too confident. In fact, never affirm your love immediately to her. Suppress that feeling to talk about it till she has shown you all possible green lights that she loves you.

8. If you give her a phone call twice and she doesn't answer, do not give her a call again. It is called desperation, and woman can smell it from a distance. You what it does to them, remember? Instead, just send a text.

9. Do not compare her to your ex. In the same way, if she talks about her ex with you to the level of comparisons, let her go ASAP. You will never be enough for her. You don't want to spend your energy trying to fill a shoe that was not yours in the first place.

10. Trust your instincts. The first problem with guys when they start feeling emotional about a lady is that they let the feelings overwhelm their sense of reasoning. Someone told me the other day that he let go of his logical self to date a woman. Huh? Do not make that mistake.

11. Never show 100% commitment to a lady. No matter how sweet she may be, she is not yours till you both tie the knot. Don't even assume that she will not leave. Realize that until you both wed, there is nothing like complete commitment.

12. Maintain an air of mystery. Never divulge too much about yourself too soon. Keep her in wonder of who you are.

13. Except you know how to chat with a lady and keep the sparks on, save the conversation for your dates. You may make use of that platform when you have come quite a distance with her.

14. Women desire attention just like guys desire sex. It is your own weapon. Even if she asks for it, be frugal about it. Never let her talk you in to giving her your complete attention. It may backfire soon since what one gets used to can easily be abused.

15. Do not make all the efforts in a relationship. I for one have a policy that I will take only two steps and wait for the lady to take at least one step. Whosoever invests more in a relationship gets emotional tied more than the other person.

16. Never change who you are for a woman. Never! If you must change, let it be because you feel the need to and not because you want to impress a lady.

17. Never lose your voice to a woman. Do not become a “yes man” to anything she says. It does not get her attracted to you; instead, it makes you look like a wimp. If there is something you do not agree about, state your opinion. If you think she did wrong, let her know about it and don't keep mute about it.

18. Except you want to, never date any girl who has more problems than you do. Chances are that she may draw you in to all of it and you'd soon be overwhelmed. If you must date such a woman, be sure of what you are stepping in to.

19. If you ever find yourself with a possessive, over-jealous or domineering lady, drop her fast. She is not worth the stress. You will save yourself a lot of trouble by doing so.

20. Be alert about attempts to manipulate you. Recognize when. She is trying to get you to do something or not. Ensure you follow the decision of your will. Do not let the tears get to you or the pleadings get to you. You may do otherwise if you deem it fit to make a compromise on your stand, but guard against manipulation.

21. If a lady ever cheats on you, there is no remedy for it. Let her go. It is an already established fact that women who have affairs end up developing a bond with whosoever the other person is. The mere fact that she cheated means you should call it quit.

These are just a couple of essential dating etiquette guys should know and date by.
You can add more or share your thoughts about specific points through the comment box.


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