Love is a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure. An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse differs from the love of food. Most commonly, love refers to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It could also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection.
Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria. The early psychological account of pleasure, the pleasure principle, describes it as a positive feedback mechanism, motivating the organism to recreate in the future the situation which it has just found pleasurable and to avoid situations that have caused pain in the past.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
So is Love Pleasure or Pain? every human actually have his/her definition for love and what it is to them, but i say "love without pain is without pleasure" . I know you will be thinking how, but lets take a few looks at some certain points at the areas we derive this feeling called Love the most.
1. Parents love for their child : More than 95% of parents love their child and can actually go extra miles just to give the child the best in life, probably 9 in every 10 parents will tell you when asked that their child/children are the best things that have ever happened to them. Parents will rather starve than to have their child starve, they would work all their lives just to give the child a future he/she deserves, and a lot more, causing unbearable pains to themselves at the pleasure of their child, that is love, what love is, true love, some children think parents are mandated to care for them at all cost, yes it may be but believe me they could actually make the other choice not to, but love makes them to choose pain so as to give you pleasure.

2. The Love Relationship Between The Male And Female : We all have heard of and read so many stories, fictions or biography, in the likes of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare , Jack and Rose in Titanic and so many more, so have we seen so many more around us. Sometimes i cant just help it but to imagine how two people from two totally different world, would just meet in a day or so and grow affection towards each others, learn to understand each others better through series of pains in misunderstandings, disagreements etc and still end up building a very beautiful life. Believe me its isn't easy at all, never easy but its worth it, "its when in love and angry at one another, we actually say negative things we don't mean to each others", reason because we just want to express how much pain we are passing through at the moment, or just to lie to our own self to make us feel better for a moment, or just to say it just for saying sake, who knows. "No beautiful love relationship comes without so much pain".
Believe me, Love is pain and so is it so much more of pleasure, we cried doesn't mean we stopped smiling, we fell doesn't mean we never walked again, all these pains we bare makes us stronger, and through it we have a better understanding of what we are into, Love keeps us going and that is still what is keeping the world together, so do not let that love life of yours fall apart.
Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria. The early psychological account of pleasure, the pleasure principle, describes it as a positive feedback mechanism, motivating the organism to recreate in the future the situation which it has just found pleasurable and to avoid situations that have caused pain in the past.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
So is Love Pleasure or Pain? every human actually have his/her definition for love and what it is to them, but i say "love without pain is without pleasure" . I know you will be thinking how, but lets take a few looks at some certain points at the areas we derive this feeling called Love the most.
1. Parents love for their child : More than 95% of parents love their child and can actually go extra miles just to give the child the best in life, probably 9 in every 10 parents will tell you when asked that their child/children are the best things that have ever happened to them. Parents will rather starve than to have their child starve, they would work all their lives just to give the child a future he/she deserves, and a lot more, causing unbearable pains to themselves at the pleasure of their child, that is love, what love is, true love, some children think parents are mandated to care for them at all cost, yes it may be but believe me they could actually make the other choice not to, but love makes them to choose pain so as to give you pleasure.

2. The Love Relationship Between The Male And Female : We all have heard of and read so many stories, fictions or biography, in the likes of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare , Jack and Rose in Titanic and so many more, so have we seen so many more around us. Sometimes i cant just help it but to imagine how two people from two totally different world, would just meet in a day or so and grow affection towards each others, learn to understand each others better through series of pains in misunderstandings, disagreements etc and still end up building a very beautiful life. Believe me its isn't easy at all, never easy but its worth it, "its when in love and angry at one another, we actually say negative things we don't mean to each others", reason because we just want to express how much pain we are passing through at the moment, or just to lie to our own self to make us feel better for a moment, or just to say it just for saying sake, who knows. "No beautiful love relationship comes without so much pain".
Believe me, Love is pain and so is it so much more of pleasure, we cried doesn't mean we stopped smiling, we fell doesn't mean we never walked again, all these pains we bare makes us stronger, and through it we have a better understanding of what we are into, Love keeps us going and that is still what is keeping the world together, so do not let that love life of yours fall apart.
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