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Showing posts from August, 2017

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CALIFORNIA FIRE: 62,000 People Have Fled Blaze

#Campus Gem's Officially kicks off / The September Gem's - Volume 1

With great joy in my mind, on this 31st day of August 2017, EchoesMinds Campus Gem's officially Opens in the Name of the Most High, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Every week Echoes brings you a Gem from one of Nigeria Institutions, to inspire and motivate the youths in the country, being in the higher Institution isn't just to study to end up in an office but to create and innovate and it's now you can, you have to see beyond being an employee after life in the institution but to become an employer of labour... With God and hardwork, we hope to take Campus Gem's beyond Nigeria in the nearest future. BE AN INNOVATOR NOT THE INNOVATED....... This month we will be introducing to us four Gem's and they are : PEBZY, DERIN'S FACES, HONEY MIX and WITTY GAB... Great Nigerian Students, aren't you curious as to what this four Gem's are into respectively? Well, I want you to be curious, but there is a free 1k(one thousand naira) call card to the first person...

Amancio Ortega Becomes The Richest Person In The World

The Spanish business tycoon, Amancio Ortega, co-founder of Spanish retailing giant Inditex, is now the richest person in the world with a cool $200 million edge over previous richest person Bill Gates. Ortega became the world richest person first in 2015 October but he lost the spot to Gates in less than 24 hrs, and he has also held the position two other times but has always been relinquished the lead within a day. This period around he surpassed Gates on Tuesday after shares of Inditex - parent company of fashion chain Zara rose just over 1% but by the end of the afternoon he was $100 million dollars behind the microsoft cofounder. Then on Wednesday Ortega regained the top spot as of 12:05pm Eastern time, he was richer than Gates by a modest margin of $200 million. Ortega is now worth an estimated $85billion. Gates fortune declined earlier this month after a filing with the SEC revealed that he donated $4.6billion worth of microsoft stock to his foundation in June. Bloomberg repo...

#Marcus Aurelius - Stoicism

At 17, Marcus Aurelius was adopted. It made him heir to the throne of Rome. Born into a wealthy family, Aurelius was primarily raised in the household of his grandfather. Both his parents passed away relatively early in his life. From the start, his defining characteristic was his pursuit of knowledge. He was drawn to philosophy, and he was particularly interested in Stoicism — a subset based on the notion that behaviors, not thoughts or words, should define virtue. According to legend, the old Emperor Hadrian took notice of him after a brush with death, and impressed with a young Aurelius, Hadrian adopted him into his line of succession. Aurelius upheld his duty to the state for over 20 years, through the death of Hadrian and throughout the rule of Antoninus Pius, until the day he became the Emperor of Rome." During his reign, the Roman Empire defeated a revitalized Parthian Empire in the East: Aurelius' general Avidius Cassius sacked the capital Ctesiphon in 164. In cen...


A successful day begins with a purposeful morning. A lot has been written about the power of your morning routine to set your day on a positive course, and science backs those assertions. A common thread among many books and articles on this topic is the importance of a solid morning routine. Success in the morning begins with the plan you made the night before. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, we all start our day at some point. Your success today depends on how you begin and end your day. Tapping into the power of mornings, a time of day when you are most active, might be the key to your long-term success. While most of us are still wrestling with our snooze buttons, many of the world’s highest achievers are getting a head-start with their work. A morning routine sets you up for the whole day, and if it is done right, everything else in your life will follow. “Morning and evening routines prime you for success. They help you achieve more, th...

1926 - 2017 Jerry Lewis, Mercurial Comedian and Filmmaker, Dies at 91

Jerry Lewis, the comedian and filmmaker who was adored by many, disdained by others, but unquestionably a defining figure of American entertainment in the 20th century, died on Sunday morning at his home in Las Vegas. He was 91. His death was confirmed by his publicist, Candi Cazau. Mr. Lewis knew success in movies, on television, in nightclubs, on the Broadway stage and in the university lecture hall. His career had its ups and downs, but when it was at its zenith there were few stars any bigger. And he got there remarkably quickly. Barely out of his teens, he shot to fame shortly after World War II with a nightclub act in which the rakish, imperturbable Dean Martin crooned and the skinny, hyperactive Mr. Lewis capered around the stage, a dangerously volatile id to Mr. Martin’s supremely relaxed ego. After his break with Mr. Martin in 1956, Mr. Lewis went on to a successful solo career, eventually writing, producing and directing many of his own films.   As a spoke...

#Sierra Leone mudslide survivors remember day the mountain moved

Please pray for Sierra Leone, first it was the War, then Ebola and now this... "It happened as if it was a dream," says Gabriel Fattah Manga, recalling the day his world came tumbling down around him, and his life changed forever. Early last Monday morning Manga, 25, was preparing to head to work as a carpenter in the Regent area of Freetown, Sierra Leone, when he realized something was badly wrong "The land was trembling and the whole area was trembling with me," he tells CNN, his eyes still red-rimmed with emotion. "I came out to see what was happening. I saw water going down ... When I moved up to three meters, I saw this whole mountain coming." A massive mudslide, sparked by heavy rains and flooding in an area that has suffered years of deforestation, was speeding down the slopes of Mount Sugar Loaf, towards his home in one of the makeshift shanty towns that dotted the hillside. Manga survived, but an entire generation of his family w...

#USS Indianapolis discovered 18,000 feet below Pacific surface

The Heavy Indianapolis Itself Seriously? i just watched the historical movie this year titled USS INDIANAPOLIS: MEN OF COURAGE , staring Nicolas Cage, Thomas Jane,  James Remar and so on.... so it really happened ? Waoooo, i am just glad at least the wreckage as been found. It's been 72 years since the USS Indianapolis went missing after a Japanese submarine torpedoed it in the final days of World War II. A team of civilian researchers led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen discovered the cruiser's wreckage Friday on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, 18,000 feet below the surface. The discovery brings a measure of closure to one of most tragic maritime disasters in US naval history. "To be able to honor the brave men of the USS Indianapolis and their families through the discovery of a ship that played such a significant role in ending World War II is truly humbling," Allen said. "As Americans, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the crew for their courag...


I just had to seriously put this together after i heard a Bsc holder disgraced himself, his certificate and virtually the school who gave that certificate to him during an interview today at Eko Hotel & Suites earlier on today by prostrating to each and everyone of the interviewer one after the other. Common its isnt a traditional wedding now, as a female friend of mine said, its an interview and your culture isnt needed or required there. So, i just had to pull this few tips together for us all so that such scenario wouldn't be repeated by any one of us again.... 1. Walk confidently toward the interviewer or into the interviewer's office . Hold your head erect while looking forward. Keep your back and shoulders straight. Avoid timid behaviors such as shuffling hesitantly or peeking into the interviewer's office. 2. Make eye contact with the interviewer to demonstrate your sincerity. Smile warmly and extend your right hand. 3. Grasp the interviewer's hand ...


Its morning and its so cold here at Ikorodu, Lagos State Nigeria. The night was not as i have expected it to be, it was short but i hope for the best on a beautiful cold morning like today. I have decided to share with you these beautiful, lovely songs from my music library just to inspire you on this beautiful day. Get them and let these lovely songs pass the message i have for you today. "you really don't know the value you have got until you push your self", You are just so beautiful and let no one tell you aren't, just be build and build yourself, be free. My number one pick from my music library for you is " STONE " by Alessia Cara , a beautiful young Canadian singer and song writer, you can't just miss listening to "Stone" today. Stone is from her 2015 Album " Know It All ". 'Time comes to rest whenever you are by my side, it burs' - my favorite line in the song. 'Follow wherever it takes you, in this uncertai...


Good evening my own lovely, beautiful and most awesome fans. Its evening here in Nigeria and actually so cool. This evening i have got a message for you, to inspire you and motivate you never to settle for the least, for you have got over seven billion people you can get to be a joy to.  Have you ever thought why our own parents weren't better, greater and more successful than their own parents? have you ever wondered why some youths are there wasting life and living like a dead soul ... Your father was a drunkard isn't a reason for you to be like him, your mother lived her time as a prostitute isn't a reason for you to prostitute, you can be better than whatever your parents were, you could be the one who writes a page of your family name on Wikipedia, believe me you can do it, you can be whatever you want to be, make great men and women your mentors, read about their life issues, believe in your self that you can and you will. LETS THINK OF DOING THE FOLLOWING A...