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Showing posts from January, 2017

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CALIFORNIA FIRE: 62,000 People Have Fled Blaze

Screen Actors Guild Awards [ SAGA ] - Full List

                          The absolute best of television and movie acting! As broadcast live on TBS and TNT at 8 p.m. ET, the 23rd annual 2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards were held Sunday, January 29, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Sophia Bush ,  Brie Larson , and the adorable cast of   Stranger Things  are among the selected bunch slated to hand out the solid bronze statues to their fellow actors. In a much-anticipated reunion ,  Dolly Parton   presented her  9 to 5   costar  Lily Tomlin   with the Life Achievement Award. Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Captain Fantastic Fences *** WINNER:  Hidden Figures Manchester by the Sea Moonlight Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role Casey Affleck,  Manchester by the Sea Andrew Garfield,  Hacksaw Ridge Ryan Gosling,  La La Land Viggo Mortensen,...

Human right report accuses Kurdish forces of child torture in Iraq

An Iraqi woman is treated at a hospital in Irbil, Iraq, on Jan. 15, 2017, after being shot by an Islamic State sniper.                    IRBIL, Iraq — Children have been tortured after being detained by Kurdish security forces here on suspicion of collaborating with the Islamic State, a Human Rights Watch report charged Sunday. The human rights group said it spoke to 19 of 183 boys aged 11 to 17 being held in a facility in this northern Iraqi city in December. It said 17 of them alleged that the security forces, called Asayish, "held them in stress positions, burned them with cigarettes, punched and kicked them, beat them with plastic pipes and cables, and shocked them with electricity." Human Rights Watch researchers wrote that they saw visible marks on the bodies of five of the detainees. The detainees said their treatment was meant to extract confessions. Most of the alleged abuse...


Every Child should be treated as a diamond, they deserve it for they only in their hands can the fate of the world be placed ... Every child deserves an Education, its their right ... Support a child. The 1796 publication of Thomas Spence 's Rights of Infants is among the earliest English-language assertions of the rights of children. Throughout the 20th century children's rights activists organized for homeless children's rights and public education . The 1927 publication of The Child's Right to Respect by Janusz Korczak strengthened the literature surrounding the field, and today dozens of international organizations are working around the world to promote children's rights. In the UK the formation of a community of educationalists, teachers, youth justice workers, politicians and cultural contributors called the New Ideals in Education Conferences (1914–37) stood for the value of 'liberating the child' and helped to define the 'good' primary sc...

Blessed Unrest

Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming is a 2007 New York Times bestseller by Paul Hawken .The book is about the many non-profit groups and community organizations, dedicated to many different causes, which Hawken calls the “environmental and social justice movement”.  Hawken explains that this is a diverse movement with no charismatic leader. The movement follows no unifying ideology, and is not recognized by politicians, the public and the media. But, Hawken argues, it has the potential to benefit the planet. A New York Times reviewer states that Blessed Unrest is "about a movement that no one has noticed, not even the people involved". For this reviewer, the "high point of the book is Hawken’s excellent critique of the chemical industry’s attack on Rachel Carson ’s Silent Spring in 1962", at a time when she was fighting cancer. Hawken also tells the stories of other people who have endured hardship a...


We came to celebrate eid with you We're asking you about the eid Why we don't have eid or decoration? Oh world Our lands are infected with fire Our free lands are stolen Our skies are dreaming and asking the days Our lands are stolen Our land is small like me, young! Give us the peace And give us the childhood.                                              Aatona Attofola. The above will be familiar mostly to the Arab world. For so long children have been made to partake in wars they know nothing of, the little ones becoming a victim of the horrific moments caused by our so called selfish, self centered leaders, becoming a casualty of wars based on vengeance, greediness, racism etc. There are days when I'm unable to sleep, and lay confidently on my pouch, kn...


How often have you come across or seen a house, car, plane or ship without a window? My guess is "very not often" that is if there is at all. No matter how great a building is, how beautiful it may be and how large it is, a window or windows are always installed on it. Alright, I'm having a unique feeling about this, so let's take a quick meaning to what the Window is. A window is an opening in a wall , door , roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed, air and sound. Waooooo, what a lovely symbol it is. Alright, now let's see its origination. The English language word window originates from the Old Norse 'vindauga', from 'vindr – wind' and 'auga – eye', i.e., wind eye. in Swedish the word vindöga remains as a term for a hole through the roof of a hut. So the Window clearly originates from the word vindauga which means wind and eye. Now to you and how the window relates to you. The creator also plac...

Giving Up, Not An Option

Have you ever come across or heard of a smooth mountain? Yet, they could be as high as reaching for the heaven's. The rougher it is, the tougher it is to climb and the higher it is reaching for the sky. The bitter truth is there is no smooth road to success, the only difference is some people achieve it so early in life, that doesn't mean you won't get to your own peak. Never use other people's riches to pray for yours, you don't know what they had to do to achieve it, so ask and pray for yours and keep building the dream, with your own unique ideas. You do not have to do it the way same way with others, all you have to do is create your own ideas, ideas that are scarce and rare. Take a very good look at the lives of great men of the past and the present who made great impacts in life, you will find out the road to their greatness wasn't smooth at all, but what kept them going? Faith in what they believe in, knowing giving up wasn't an option at all. Power...

#1. You, Life and The Tomb

What makes life so worth living is the reality of death in it(life). Death in life, life after death. There is death here on earth and everything that lives will surely die according to the scientists, for that the major characteristic of life. Today, I write not to tell you about death here on earth for I believe every reasonable being should know its appointed to Man to die, even though we have heard of so many people who have gone round the world searching for a way to live forever, well I hope they find that which is not lost. I write these beautiful morning to tell you how important what men say at your tomb stone is, for there is a life after death. I quote the great teacher in the scripture St. John 11: 25-26 "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life:he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believeth thou this? Here the preacher is informing the woman whom He addresses about ...


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "'Tis some visiter," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more." Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore— For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore— Nameless here for evermore. And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating "'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door— Some late visiter entrea...

National Girl Child Day

A VIRTUE WE SO NEED IN NIGERIA National Girl Child Day in India National girl child day is celebrated every year on 24th of January as a national observance day for the girl child. This celebration was started to offer more supports and new opportunities to the girls in the country. It is celebrated to increase the awareness among people about all the inequalities faced by the girl child in the society. Inequality about girl child is a vast problem which includes many areas like inequality in education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, protection, honour, child marriage and so many. National girl child day has been started as a national girls development mission by the Government of India. This mission raises the awareness among people all over the country about the importance of girl’s promotion. It enhances the meaningful contribution of the girls in decision making processes through the active support of the parents and other community members. National Girl Child Day 201...

The Sound Of Time

What actually defines Time? What makes it the most valued treasure? Time defines absolutely everything in the life of every soul, how u go about it and live in it, describes the sound it plays for you. Sound is the after effect of how your time is spent I know you are asking and wondering how? So let's take a look at it together. What differentiates Success from failure (though not the end. A man only fails the moment he quits) ? Success is the outcome of a well spent time, invested time and perfected time in total dedication and repetition of ones dream resulting into that sound called joy and jubilation. While failure is the result of spending good time trying hard but didn't get the expected result then quitting, which only gives the sound of Lamentations, regrets etc. So I challenge you this day, why quit? Because you failed? or you feel you can't cope again since you have spent a good time on it and yet you couldn't get the expected result? That should be a grea...

#1- TheVoice Movement (share your story)

In the western part of Nigeria, there is an adage that says "Ogbon ologbon la fin gbe ile Aye" Meaning we live Life through the experience of other people. So This day Echoes calls on All to share a part of your Experience to inspire and motivate others. There must have been that which you always wish to say to the world, the golden opportunity is here, Together let's Give a voice to the less privileges, those who are so broken to the extent of giving up, let's say No together to broken souls and together let's mend and give hope to the people. Know that your story will inspire another story and so will that inspire another story. Forward your story to - WhatsApp :09028393195 BBM : 58FB3DD4 Facebook : SamForAll Twitter : @ SamFuye Using the harsh tag (#TheVoice Movement) Know that your privacy is secured and safe, if you Dont want your name appearing on your story then we use the #No - What your story represents. E.g (#2- Dark Thursday) but if you give th...


Donald Trump delivered the shortest inaugural speech since 1977 – but what it lacked in length, it compensated in combat. The 45th president used his 17 minute address to attack “Washington", launching a tirade against the people who were sitting all around him. So what did it tell us about a Trump presidency? He sees himself as a champion of the small man Mr Trump told the crowds on the mall “you will never be ignored again”. He had campaigned on listening to the forgotten masses; the people who felt left behind by the economic progress, and alienated by the march of globalisation. And his speech was a resounding reiteration of that. “Today we are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people,” he said. “For too long a small group has reaped the benefits, while the people lost.” He has little time for political process Mr Trump launched an attack on the very politicians who were sitting around him, c...

Gods Own Treasure

SOUTHERN KADUNA, GOD'S TREASURE: I was born, bred and 'buttered' in Southern Kaduna and I'm greatly proud of it. Southern Kaduna Land and her people are the most neglected in Nigeria. Reasons being that both the land and her people abhors and rejects Islam as a faith. Thank God for the Catholic Church, which 'flooded' our land with schools. No wonder, Southern Kaduna remains the most educated in the north! NOTE THESE: * Late Usman Dan Fodio came with his evil jihad, he islamized the core north, but Southern Kaduna fought back, distanced herself from Islam and its menaces. God gave us victory! * The late northern premier, Alh Ahmadu Bello also came. He used both crude and subtle methods to Islamize Southern Kaduna, but our fathers fought him and rejected the obnoxious religion. And God gave us victory!! * In 1999 - 2000, the satanic rulers of the north set themselves and took counsel against us and our God. They swept the entire north with violence towar...

Donald J. Trump

Believing in your dream and pursuing it is the most beautiful thing that can ever happen in a man's life. He was already wealthy, famous, loved and old but He felt not accomplished because He hasn't really achieved is dream, so he went for it, fought for it and here he is, in the reality of that great dream. It does not matter how old you are, how poor or rich you are, all it takes is you pursuing that dream and being focused. You have nothing to fear, I want you to know that "No dream of yours is bigger than you". You can do it, just believe In yourself and keep working towards achieving it and eventually you will prevail. Congratulations Mr Donald Trump.

My Country, my dream

I see a people rising, tired of being enslaved by their own people, speaking out for themselves, everyone determined and set to give it whatever it takes to break free from the chains of slavery in disguise. I see the streets filled and the homes empty, I see mothers behind their children, saying "this time no one is returning home until we are free", I see a united Nigeria, even though it looks divided but every tribe with one voice for the very first time. I see a peaceful march but yet the most fearsome movement ever. Then did I see the people melting  huge  hives of shackles and using them in building a strong hold, and few people did I see been lined and forced into the strong hold by the multitude. After this event did I hear a loud noise of joy, happiness, and of all it was the sound of freedom.  I see a one Nigeria, the north, south, east and west leaving peacefully, united and strong. I see a free and fair Election, equality before the law, a country where ever...

The August Visitor

This is the real equality before the Law, the perfect judge, "for it is appointed to man to kick the bucket once". Your status will never stop it from picking you, your background wouldn't stop it, your intelligence can never outsmart it(as we know greater minds have been here once and have passed on) ,it takes when the right time comes and the right time in which we happen not to know of is what makes it " The August Visitor" it comes like a thief,unexpected, unprepared for virtually 98% of those whom it has paid the visit. I indulge you, to make your world a better place, touch lives, make impacts, be prepared, live life just as if the August Visitor will be coming tomorrow, embrace all, embrace life,do that which you think is for tomorrow today. You want to be remembered by your environment after you are gone, you want men to miss you when you are there no more, you want a monument for your self, I know that. So, live a life worth it, a life full of confiden...


LIFE : how is it defined? Over time and ages, man has given different definition for it, ranging from the scientific, to the philosophy, and The personal Experience meanings. Looking at it, and trying to place a word to classify it, I say life is a "RACE". What is a Race? Isn't it a competition you have to work and prepare very hard for, so as to finish as the best. How you prepared and trained for the race, the hardship you had to pass through, the injuries you had which at one point wanted you to give up and quit the race, and the sacrifices you made, No one really wants to know about that , all they care about is seeing you finishing best in the race, then later they will be inspired by your success in the race and would love to hear about how you made it. Life is of no difference to that race, we all are a partaker of it, so its left to you, to make your preparations, sacrifices, and never to give up. Life wants you to strive hard, so has to know its value.


It doesn't matter what condition you were, stepping into that special day. It does not matter how many people remembered that special day of yours. It does not matter how small/big you celebrate this day. All that matters, is you found yourself still present here in life. Tears, pains and sorrows may have  broken you before that special day. All that matters is that the day is special and its worth it because it is the day you felt your very first breath of life. My advise, mark it as a day you begin again, letting go of all your pains and forget about those who hurt you and think without them you can't move forward. "Life owes you nothing" I hope you know/remember that? So, move on yourself and never depend on anyone for your joy. Never let any pain of any such stop you from celebrating or honouring that day. Celebrate it, no matter how big or small.   That day worth it, is your birthday.🍞🍖🍰🍔🍹🍷🍻 and its "A DAY WORTH IT".        M...


Many have been so broken, to the extend they see everything about life as dark. Some have even lost the hope of anything good in life. So take life as "Nothing good comes out of it". Verse versa, So many good people have spent their entire life tagging some others as total darkness, but No, there is nothing of such as total darkness, there is always a light in every darkness, waiting to shine, but it needs more attention to do that. Remember, " more charging time is to power the brightness of the touch" the moment you stop charging, then gradually it goes brim and finally dies off. So have we failed to help some people let their light shine by casting them out, not giving a single chance to them. So I inspire you today to stand by those whom you ones tagged as darkness, you could do that from a far not necessarily physically close. The same goes to you who have tagged the world as dark and given up hope, there are is a light out there for you deep within the darkne...

Not All that sparkle & shine is Diamond

Its so amazing how wealthy some people are, and when I say wealthy, I speak of in all aspect ranging from sound health to a lovely home, a convenient and nice company or job etc. What marvels me is, some of these wealth isn't from Christ. Truly "The camel shall find it easier to pass through the needle hole, than for a rich man to make heaven". This speaks of the rich who know not and do care to know who Christ is or Dont even care about anyone, all they just focus us is "I and my family". The Devil can so much blind one with the riches of this world(remember all is within his reach), just so as to prevent one from turning to God.      "The devil is cunning but God is wise"


F- focus A- aspire I- inspire T- trust H- hope     The substance of things hoped for not yet seen is what we all know Faith as. It does not really mean to God or another being. It mainly starts with you first, "do you have faith in your self" is the faith firm within you that you can get to that main aim of yours? Have you heard of faith without work is dead. So I brought you this few tips to help you build it up. # Focus - Never let your guide down, work without distraction, stay away from that which you know distracts you In any form or way. # Aspire - Aim for the highest, remember the sky is only the beginning. Dream big and big everyday. # Inspire - let everything around you inspire you never to give up and let go for once. Try to read biographys of great men and women, it really help to inspire your faith. # Trust - trusting goes a very long way, you can never trust anyone and anything if you Dont trust youself . Trust in yourself and know you can do it. Dont gi...

Why kill your self from the inside

The best time to let that person know how much they mean to you is today, tomorrow may not open that same door of opportunity today opened. It is nothing to be shy about. Give it a try, it may be your lucky golden opportunity. 😉😉😉 if you need the steps to approaching that crush of yours, well here are some few tips. - Be your self: you Dont need faking anything, he/she have to accept you for who you are. - Take a step of boldness - Know what to say before approaching - Dont feel to big, he/she is gonna think you are a proud type .

Nothing last forever

Have you ever come across the story of the rich farmer who has a barn full of yams, and already it was time for another harvest. Waooooo, great! Isn't it? I can't just imagine how rich the man would be. So, instead of the rich man to give out is previous harvest to the poor, he was amazed at his wealth and was enveloped in it, then he told his servants to tear down the old barn and build a bigger one so as to hold the new harvest in it. Well it did happen and he had his harvest and his barn was filled to the brim again. Can you imagine the joy he could have felt? But, that night the Creator said to him "I shall take your life this moment" and all your riches shall be scattered and your name forgotten". The sun speaks to us daily, no matter how beautiful or shining it may be in the day, it will surely go dark. So, what do you want your own sun to be remembered for? How many clothes did you dry up, how many bodies did you burn? Live so as to be remembered after ...

Separate peacefully

Come on, life isn't as hard as most young minds who were once in love takes it. There are periods/times in life we just have to let go for a reason or the other, but I still see no reason for the separation which then turns lovers into nations at war. If you were truly in love then what so ever the situation might be for your separation, you wouldn't go around and about hurting one another. Just let go, it surely gets better and know love is all around you. Someone better, lovelier and more caring will come along. 😍😍😍 just keep being a better person.